There is Power in Your Purpose

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of Power and love and self-control.

2 Timothy 1:7

In my single young and wild days, I loved to dance. My friend and I would hit all the different nightclubs. We had a bet on who could dance with the most ladies. One evening, I came off the dance floor and headed back to the bar for a cold drink when I was stopped dead in my tracks by a big bearded giant, Randy the Biker. He looked into my eyes with nasty breath and said, “You think you’re cool, don’t you?” I said, “No, not really, just out having fun!” He glared at my eyes with a kick-my-butt grin and said, “You know I could take you outside and beat you to a pulp.” 

In an instant, I recalled a scene from the 1960s television show Andy Griffith. One day Sheriff Andy Taylor told his son, Opie, who had a bully taking his milk money, “Sometimes it’s better to take a punch than walk away.” So I looked him in the eyes and said, “You could! You could even kill me! But what does that prove? That you are Mr. Tough Guy? My friend and I are having fun, and you need to calm down; by the way, do you know that God loves you?” The instant I spoke, he backed down, got real quiet, looked at me, and said, “I want to buy you a drink.” I was a bit puzzled and asked him why in the world he would want to do that. What he said was something that I had to put in the Promoter’s Playbook of Life. He said, “No one has ever stood up to me. Most people are afraid of me or intimidated by my looks, but you weren’t, and I respect that.” 

Life lesson: Randy the Biker will inevitably visit you. He will come against you through obstacles, lack of finances, fear, or even doubt. How you stand up to the situation will be the defining moment for your Destiny. You must defeat the bullies of fear, doubt, and obstacles. There is Power in your Purpose. Adversity seems to step aside when the Power of God is moving you into your Destiny. Your teacher on this journey is Jesus. Keep an open dialogue with Him, and you will find Power in your purpose.  

By the way, Randy called me a few years later and asked for help. He was battling a brain tumor and wanted me to help him with a fundraiser. He also gave his life to Christ. That night at the dance club was a total God appointment, and I believe it was a life-changing moment for both of us! So as you go out this week, remember there is Power in your purpose!

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Picture of Ron Meyers

Ron Meyers

Ron is a podcast host and entertainment producer. He loves inspiring people to pursue their passions and discover their destinies!
Picture of Ron Meyers

Ron Meyers

Ron is a podcast host and entertainment producer. He loves inspiring people to pursue their passions and discover their destinies!

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One Response

  1. I really enjoyed your blog. I particularly like: He will come against you through obstacles, lack of finances, fear, or even doubt. Good Job.

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