Free and Forgiven 

We celebrate freedom every fourth of July, and rightfully so, but Christians, what about our freedom in Christ? You and I are free because Jesus went to the cross. Free of guilt and free of condemnation. In other words, we have a do-over in life. We can be ourselves and not fear God is out to get us. This is freedom worth shouting from a mountaintop! 

Perhaps some don’t celebrate it because they haven’t heard about the freedom in Christ. Instead, they have listened to more about religion than the finished works of Christ. Let me illustrate this, I spent much of my life trying and trying to do the right things, and I would do well for a period but eventually stumbled, and I felt shame. I heard preachers teaching that I had to do, do, do to receive the promises of Christ. In other words, God was in love with a future version of me.

Then one day, I met grace: 100% Jesus, no additives, no works, nothing but Jesus. I started believing His promises that I am righteous, holy, and blameless, and the clincher was I was secure in the hands of Jesus. My salvation was eternal, and believing that and trusting Jesus launched my ministry to share the grace of Jesus. Instead of spending hours a day trying to be good, I accepted that Jesus said I was good. I am free to be myself.

I decided that day that the opinions of people or denominations would no longer have a hold or control over my life. Today, I am trusting Jesus. I have coffee with Jesus daily, allowing me to be myself and share my heart. He is my life coach, teacher, and mentor. I understand grace. 

What about you, my friend? Are you sick and tired of religion, the bondage of never being able to live up to what so many preachers are telling you? Let me urge you to start today by falling in the arms of grace and beginning a new relationship with Jesus that will forever change your life, attitude, and health. Believe it or not, you will smile again and discover the fountain of youth! Do you remember the last words of Jesus? It is finished! It’s time we Christians start believing it! 

Please check out one of my favorite ministers, Dr. Andrew Farley, with the Grace message. Once you hear the truth about grace, you will say, “Why have I never heard this before.”, and let the truth set you free!

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Picture of Ron Meyers

Ron Meyers

Ron is a podcast host and entertainment producer. He loves inspiring people to pursue their passions and discover their destinies!
Picture of Ron Meyers

Ron Meyers

Ron is a podcast host and entertainment producer. He loves inspiring people to pursue their passions and discover their destinies!

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