Rocket Man

I’m a rocketman! Do you remember that song by Elton John? I sometimes feel like a rocket man. Let me explain: I often get so fired up and optimistic about our future as Christians that I explode with a passionate desire to tell the world. 

Let me give you my back story. My first half of life was about having fun and doing whatever I wanted. I had no limits; if I thought about it, desired it, I did it. The only rule was there were no rules. But, as with anything, it began to get old. I was losing my sense of purpose, and soon I got to a point where I called out to God in desperation for help, and the most beautiful thing happened. I felt something ignite in the privacy of a hotel room in Atlanta, Georgia. I felt the spirit of God come in like a mighty wind and blow the hell out of my life. I had unexplainable joy and happiness; I even felt a bit giddy. I knew I had connected with the God of the Universes, and I surrendered my old tired life to a life of adventure. 

That was over twenty-three years ago. Since that day, I have spent every waking moment pursuing my purpose, which involves you. I tell everyone that God loves them and desperately wants to take them on a new life of adventure. He came to the world in human skin and was part God and part man, called Jesus. 

Jesus desires to have community with you and me. The most liberating experience you will ever have is when you believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. Your transformation occurs; Your old self dies, and you become a new creation in Christ. The spirit of God comes to reside in you for eternity. All your sins, mistakes, and garbage, past, present, and future, are erased, setting you free to become the person God created to become. You will never be without Jesus; He will never stop loving and guiding you to your place in this world!

That ignition that started in a hotel room and erupted into a fiery passion is available to every person who surrenders their life to Christ. Don’t miss out on what God has for you. Why not commit to learning more about Jesus by following him? The red letters in the bible are another excellent place to begin!

I have a Free resource for you on my website: The Power of Faith. The fuel of faith will have you soaring to new heights as a fellow rocketman for Jesus! 

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Picture of Ron Meyers

Ron Meyers

Ron is a podcast host and entertainment producer. He loves inspiring people to pursue their passions and discover their destinies!
Picture of Ron Meyers

Ron Meyers

Ron is a podcast host and entertainment producer. He loves inspiring people to pursue their passions and discover their destinies!

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One Response

  1. Very Spot On read! The Gifts of God never ceases to restore regenerate my life & others around me! Ron just pegged it and his experience is appriciated!

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